Red Rock and Tree, Uluru

Landscape picture of gum tree and red rock, Uluru, Central Australia

Red Rock and Tree, Uluru, Central Australia

Uluru is noted for the changing colours of the rock, depending on light and the time of day.  Regardless of colour, the texture remains constant – rough and weathered.

(See more pictures from Central Australia on Journey Photographic here)

Uluru, Central Australia

Detail picture of the rock and grass of Uluru (Ayers Rock), Central Australia

Uluru, Central Australia

A few people said the last picture from Scotland made them feel cold and damp, so I chose today’s picture to warm you all up!

Uluru is amazing from a distance, but it’s just as interesting up close.  It’s surface is covered in all of these amazing details, with nooks and crevices and small clumps of grass clinging to the side of the monolith.

(See more pictures from Uluru on Journey Photographic here)